#1345392 - Gen 6

Color: doridnudibranch (4%)

Created Jan. 17, 2019, 11:57 a.m.

I might appear to be a simple talisman, but if you take me into the realm of the Citadel you can reveal my true power: they call me Tally the Purrocious! No god can control me, but all will try. And if they succeed in collecting every talisman, who knows what power they could wield?


Date Amount txhash
Nov. 6, 2024, 6:24 p.m. 0.00780826416666666700 ETH 0x963c64acdc2c7329e96fccf52d505fdd841d1f7bfd69678beeb1bfa4c332cfd1
Jan. 19, 2019, 9:31 a.m. 0.09000000000000000000 ETH 0xd8a91961f500a923ea3c18e6336eaf583760d4d14908478c71ef070b7f739f1d
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